Introduction - CADViewer JS API - Redlining and AnnotationToggle Menu

CADViewer JS is an web infrastructure component developed by Tailor Made Software that allows you to plug in CAD and other high resolution floorplans in vector and bitmap format into a webpage and through dynamic highlight interact with objects defined in the drawing. In addition to funtional interaction, CADViewer JS also supports zoom, pan and pinch controls.

Getting Started

It only requires a few basic steps to get started with CADViewer JS Redlining and Annotations. Once you have the basics, continue to the sample below.

Code Sample - Redlines and StickyNotes

Redlines are handled through two user implemented methods: cvjs_loadStickyNotesRedlinesUser() and cvjs_saveStickyNotesRedlinesUser , these methods are activated when clicking on the load/save icons and the user can here set the API calls to give the filename and locations of the redlines.

The script to handle save of redlines are located in the /php folder, redlines can be in a custom folder, here we use /redlines.

	<script type="text/javascript">

	var FileNamePath = "../drawings/redlining_sample/";   // PATH OF THE FILE TO BE LOADED INTO CADVIEWER JS!!!!!
	var FileNameNoExtension = "blocks_and_tables_-_metric"; //DWG    NAME OF THE FILE TO BE LOADED INTO CADVIEWER JS!!!!!

	function cvjs_OnLoadEnd(){
			// generic callback method, called when the drawing is loaded
			// here you fill in your stuff, call DB, set up arrays, etc..
			// this method MUST be retained as a dummy method! - if not implemeted -


	// generic callback method, tells which FM object has been clicked
	function cvjs_change_space(){

	function cvjs_saveLocalCopyOfDrawning(){
		window.alert("placeholder for saveLocalCopyOfDrawing - user implementation");

	function cvjs_graphicalObjectCreated(graphicalObject){

	// do something with the graphics object created!
//		window.alert(graphicalObject);

	function cvjs_ObjectSelected(rmid){
	 	// placeholder for method in tms_cadviewerjs_modal_1_0_14.js   - must be removed when in creation mode and using creation modal


		if (!isSmartPhoneOrTablet)
			$('#gMenu').html("<img src=\"../images/cvjsToolbar_9t.png\" style=\"margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 10px;\" usemap=\"#cvjsToolbarMap_1\" border=\"0\" height=\"247\" width=\"62\" class=\"map\" hidefocus=\"true\">");
			$('#gMenu').html("<img src=\"../images/PanZoomWindowFullPages7t.png\" usemap=\"#PanZoomMap\" border=\"0\" height=\"363\" width=\"78\" class=\"map\" hidefocus=\"true\">");




//		cvjs_setUrl_singleDoubleClick(1);
//		cvjs_encapsulateUrl_callback(true);

//      initialize CADViewer JS

// load normal
		cvjs_LoadDrawing("floorPlan", FileNamePath, FileNameNoExtension);

	    cvjs_windowResize_position(false, "floorPlan" );
        });  // end ready()

        $(window).resize(function() {
			cvjs_windowResize_position(true, "floorPlan" );

// this method is linked to the save redline icon in the imagemap
function cvjs_saveStickyNotesRedlinesUser(){

	// custom method startMethodRed to set the name and location of redline to save
	// see implementation below

	// API call to save stickynotes and redlines

// this method is linked to the load redline icon in the imagemap
function cvjs_loadStickyNotesRedlinesUser(){

	// first the drawing needs to be cleared of stickynotes and redlines

	// custom method startMethodRed to set the name and location of redline to load
	// see implementation below

	// API call to load stickynotes and redlines

function startMethodRed(){

	var v1 = $('#load_redline_url').val();
	var v2 = $('#save_redline_url').val();

	v1 = "../redlines/"+v1;
	v2 = "../redlines/"+v2;


function set_print_controls(){

	var p_size = $('#print_papersize').val();
	var p_dpi = $('#print_resolution').val();
	var p_orientation = $('#print_orientation').val();

	window.alert("clicked set print controls "+p_size+" "+p_dpi+" "+p_orientation);



Online Demo and Download

For online demo and download of CADViewer JS set up for redlining and annotation, please use the links below:

Online Demo

View online at: Redlining Demo

Download Trial

Download from: